Do environmental laws and green awareness Promote Sustainability in Higher Education: A Policy Guideline for Sustainable Development Goals


  • Zarina Rashid Controller of Examination Board of Intermediate Education Karachi, Pakistan.
  • Shahir Rashid HCMD Hamdard College of Medicine and Dentistry, Hamdard University, Karachi Pakistan
  • Minahil Rashid Pharmacy Department Hamdard University, Karachi Pakistan.



The purpose of this study is to investigate how green awareness (GA) and environmental laws (EL) can enhance group sustainability (CS) within HEIs. The objective is to recognize successful techniques for HEIs to add to the Assembled Countries Practical Improvement Objectives (SDGs). The specialists utilized a quantitative methodology, gathering information from 500 agents across different Pakistani HEIs through purposive testing. The legalization of the measurement model and the testing of confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM) were carried out with the help of the research hypotheses and IBM SPSS AMOS software. Ecological regulations straightforwardly influence maintainability execution, and their adequacy is fundamentally improved by the degree of green mindfulness inside the establishment, addressing that the outcomes uncovered significant direct impacts of EL and GA on CS, with EL's effect being interceded by GA. The consideration investigated that all component loadings outclassed the suggested edge, supporting the consistency and legitimacy of the ideas. The model reveals a good deal of the variation in CS. With R2 values, model-fit indices also suggested that the operational model was a good fit for the data. Cultivate green attention to accomplish further and seriously persevering through supportability results yet effective discoveries feature the necessity for HEIs with not just compliance to ecological regulations but the formation of partnerships to promote initiatives aimed at sustainability. The improvement of inclusive sustainability policies that are in line with environmental standards and the incorporation of sustainability into programs are two of the policy recommendations. HEIs' contributions to the SDGs are enhanced by their essential role in proceeding with global sustainability efforts and their strategies as a whole.




How to Cite

Rashid, Z., Rashid, S., & Rashid , M. (2024). Do environmental laws and green awareness Promote Sustainability in Higher Education: A Policy Guideline for Sustainable Development Goals. THE ASIAN BULLETIN OF GREEN MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULAR ECONOMY, 4(1), SDGs 4(1),53–66.



Sepcial Collection on Sustainable Development Goals